The upper picture is from last spring, it is a cherry blossom tree from our neighborhood in Japan. It inspired me to make the bento shown here. This is actually the lower tier, made of sticky rice and hard boiled egg dyed with food coloring and sesame seeds for detail. The tree branch is made from inari zushi skins. For some reason I couldn't locate a picture of the top tier, probably just as well, I'm sure it wasn't as cute as the lower half. : )
This was made in the koi bento box, it holds an enormous amount of food, there's like 2 cups of rice in this thing and it still looks like it could hold another 2 or 3 cups!
Pardon my ignorance - but what is a koi bento box?
Hurray! You're back! This is absolutely gorgeous, and you are amazing. Good luck with your move. What an exciting time! I'll keep checking back to see when the store is open. (and to gape in awe at your lovely creations...)
Wow, you make all of those?
Just looking at them makes me really hungry, keep on the nice work!
I've tried making my own but I'm definitely not good at making food look beautiful. Where did you learn, trial and error?
Hi eilis alana! The koi bento is one of my favorites, here is a picture of the lid
Hey Jenzai, thanks for stopping by! I am excited about the move too, and I can't wait to open my store back up, I have got soo much cool stuff to show you guys : )
Welcome Hao! Thanks for visiting, I really appreciate the compliment! It is basically trial and error, trust me, when I started making bento lunches they definately weren't perfect :b
Hi Myria!
Great to see you back!! Best of wishes on your move back to the states. Can't wait to see what you will be stocking the store with!! I'm not doing my blog page anymore, but I am still in Flickr. Take care and beautiful bento!!
Stephanie (bentolunches - flickr)
That is so lovely:D
Very beautiful! Makes me curious about that other layer. :)
Hi there,
I found you through the blog called piklz and thought I'd pop over for a visit. Your blog is lovely and your bento boxes are gorgeous works of art. How can you stand to dig into them at lunchtime?
Thanks for sparking my appetite,
Very cute, this bento is beautiful, I love sakura!
Oh my god this bento is simply wonderful! I love the colors and it really looks like real sakura blossoms!
I love making bentos too, stop by my blog if you have the chance =)
My friend recommended your site and I love it! The cherry blossom bento looks too good to eat.
You're never coming back are you? :( I have been following your blog for a while and I love your bentos but it looks like you're not posting here anymore? I miss you!
i love this picture. it is so inspiring. i hope i can make something that beautiful someday!
I love this cherry blosson bento design and I hope someday, with practice I'll be able to create my own bento as beautiful as this one.
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