Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Birthday Bento

Yesterday was the baby's 2nd birthday! I can't believe he is growing so fast. His lunch included his favorite red monster, Elmo.

Lunch consists of chicken breast, cantaloupe, mango, blueberries, & raspberries, mini pb &j's cut into a rabbit and bear, and a baby bell elmo, made with swiss cheese and nori accents. He picked the nori off and ate it first : ) Pooh (another favorite, he had to get included also) is made from american cheese.

And of course, to go along with the day's theme, he had an Elmo birthday cake. I considered buying an a special Elmo-shaped pan, but decided it would be super easy to make using a round cake pan and 3 cupcakes. So here he is!

and the cupcakes his sister decorated:

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Long time no see..

Hey there! How's everyone been? I have FI-NNNALLLLY settled into our new house, moving back to the US from Japan has been quite an experience. Hopefully now life will be a little more "normal" now ..as normal as it can possibly get.. lol

Sadly, I have to admit, much of my bento collection is still in boxes, I've unpacked most of my accessories, but I'd say 60% of my boxes are still packed away. (much to the delight of the husband..) haha . I was reminiscing over each box as it was unveiled, telling the husband where each bento box came from, as he was slowly inching up the basement stairs behind me. He couldn't believe that I could remember the story of each box I own.. But that's not just me is it? I'm sure most people know where each of their bentos came from, and how much it was, right? Right?

I actually told him that I would only keep the ones I could fit into a large pantry cupboard, and I would give the rest away (am hoping he doesn't remember that conversation) : /

Anyway, I am hoping to start posting more on here now that life has settled back down. The baby is almost 2 now, so he will start getting his own cute bentos in some of his many many boxes... : )

Oh and I almost forgot, here is a picture of my Jelly Belly bento box, i was recently asked about it, so here it is...